Ford’s Pioneering Move: Dynamic Wireless Charging

Ford, a name synonymous with automotive innovation, has once again hinted at a groundbreaking approach to electric vehicle (EV) technology. Their latest patent suggests a future where EVs recharge while cruising on the road, eliminating the need for frequent pit stops.

The Patent Unveiled

Published by the USPTO on July 20, 2023, the patent titled “Roadway Charging Coil Alignment and Monitoring” delves deep into the concept of dynamic wireless charging. This isn’t just about charging parked cars but powering them up while they’re on the move.

Did You Know? Stationary wireless charging systems have been around for a while. But Ford’s idea of integrating this tech into roads is what sets it apart.

How Does It Work?

Previous Ventures in Dynamic Charging

While Ford’s patent is a significant leap, the concept of in-motion charging isn’t entirely new. Back in 2017, Renault and Qualcomm boasted about charging a car at a zippy 60 mph on a test track.

Related News and Information

To provide a comprehensive view of this development, let’s pull in some related news and information using the plugin.

Wrapping Up

Ford’s dynamic wireless charging patent could be the next big thing in the EV industry. While it’s still in the patent phase, the possibilities it opens up for the future of electric vehicles are boundless.

References and Facts

Here are some related news and facts about the article “Selecting Hardware to Enhance EV Charger Design” from Charged EVs:

  1. Charged EVs Magazine: Charged EVs is an electric vehicles magazine that covers various topics related to EVs. They published an article about selecting hardware to enhance EV charger design2.
  2. Waiver of Buy America Requirements for Electric Vehicle Chargers: The Federal Register issued a temporary waiver of Buy America requirements for electric vehicle chargers, effective from March 23, 20233.
  3. Biden-Harris Administration’s Efforts: The Biden-Harris Administration has announced new standards and major progress for a made-in-America national network of electric vehicle chargers. They aim to accelerate the buildout of a convenient and reliable charging network to make electric vehicle charging a seamless experience4.
  4. EasyEVSE EV Charging Station Development Platform: NXP Semiconductors offers the EasyEVSE EV Charging Station Development Platform, which allows for quick setup and management of a secure connection from a simulated EV Charging Station to Microsoft Azure IoT Central EV Application5.
  5. McKinsey Report on EV Charging Infrastructure: McKinsey published a report highlighting the need for more EV-charging stations in the United States. The report estimates the cost of hardware, planning, and installation for building the necessary charging infrastructure6.
Categories: EV News